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  • 4.0
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  • 4.0
  • 4.0
  • 4.0

Calligra Karbon on rollApp

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Karbon is a vector drawing application with an user interface that is easy to use, highly customizable and extensible. That makes Karbon a great application for users starting to explore the world of vector graphics as well as for artists wanting to create breathtaking vector art.

Browser requirements: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari. File management (open, save, and edit Calligra files) available via cloud storage services connected to your rollApp account: Dropbox, Google Drive, Box.


  • Loading support for ODG, SVG, WPG, WMF, EPS/PS
  • Writing support for ODG, SVG, PNG, PDF, WMF
  • Customizable user interface with freely placable toolbars and dockers
  • Layer docker for easy handling of complex documents including preview thumbnails, support for grouping shapes via drag and drop, controlling visibility of shapes or locking
  • Advanced path editing tool with great on-canvas editing capabilies
  • Various drawing tools for creating path shapes including a draw path tool, a pencil tool as well as a calligraphy drawing tool
  • Gradient and pattern tools for easy on-canvas editing of gradient and pattern styles
  • Top notch snapping facilities for guided drawing and editing (e.g. snapping to grid, guide lines, path nodes, bounding boxes, orthogonal positions, intersections of path shapes or extensions of lines and paths)
  • Includes many predefined shapes including basic shapes like stars, circle/ellipse, rectangle, image
  • Artistic text shape with support for following path outlines (i.e. text on path)
  • Complex path operations and effects like boolean set operations, path flattening, rounding and refining as well as whirl/pinch effects
  • Extensible by writing plugins for new tools, shapes and dockers

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