QGIS – Geographic Information System – provides a continuously growing number of capabilities provided by core functions and plugins. You can visualize, manage, edit, analyse data, and compose printable maps.
A good initial attempt! It needs regular 'LTS' updates and extras like the 'Grass' and 'Saga' Tools and the 'Oracle' connector to be included. If it could connect to MS 'SharePoint' including some integration it would solve a lot of issues. At the moment without these it's not viable, although OneDrive is a plus.
it is innovative but not that efficent
Not bad but alternatively
Pretty amazing that it works in the browser. This looks like you're running a VM locally. Will come in handy for an occasional project.
Excellent it is there, but a pity the GRASS plugin is missing. Most used by me, since it contains so many analytic tools..
Good, very good!
Very nice! But not very useful without coud storage media. You need storage to save your progress, to create a layer (point/line/polygon). Responsiveness is also an issue. Nevertheless this is a great experiment!