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  • 4.2
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Tracker is an image and video analysis package and modeling tool that is built upon the Open Source Physics Java code library.

Tracker Features:


  • Manual and automated object tracking with position, velocity and acceleration overlays and data.
  • Center of mass tracks.
  • Interactive graphical vectors and vector sums.
  • RGB line profiles at any angle, time-dependent RGB regions.


  • Model Builder creates kinematic and dynamic models of point mass particles and two-body systems.
  • External models animate and overlay multi-point data from separate modeling programs such as spreadsheets and Easy Java Simulations.
  • Model overlays are automatically synchronized and scaled to the video for direct visual comparison with the real world.

Data generation and analysis:

  • Fixed or time-varying coordinate system scale, origin and tilt.
  • Multiple calibration options: tape, stick, calibration points and/or offset origin.
  • Switch easily to center of mass and other reference frames.
  • Data include units (SI metric units by default, settable length and mass units).
  • Protractors and tape measures provide easy distance and angle measurements.
  • Circle fitter tool fits circles to 3 or more points, steps or tracks.
  • Define custom variables for plotting and analysis.
  • Add editable text columns for comments or manually entered data.
  • Data analysis tool includes powerful automatic and manual curve fitting.
  • Export formatted or raw data to a delimited text file or the clipboard.
  • Display measured values using custom number formats if desired.


  • Integrated searchable help and diagnostics.
  • Full undo/redo with multiple steps.
  • Page view displays html instructions or student notes.
  • Annotate videos with colored line drawings and labels.
  • User preferences: GUI configuration, video engine, default language, font size, more.

Reviews for Tracker Login to add a review

  • Andrea Jones
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    I was unable to upload a file from my computer or from a youtube link. More clear instructions are needed for how to use the web-based app to upload a video for analysis.

  • john
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    This program is great! Yes you can not save but it allowed me to do something I as a physics teacher couldn't. If you are physics instructor get this--it works and is fun. Thank you.

  • Thomas Zook
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    Been using tracker for years in my physics classes. Being able to use it on a Chromebook is going to be cool. Seems like everything that I normally use is working... except AutoTrack. Not sure it it is a multi-window issue.