Reimagine your desktop app as cloud solution

You users are moving to the cloud — are you there for them?

Any app?

Yes, any desktop app with GUI.

With no changes to your app

publish it on the rollApp cloud and

let users run it in the browser.

Online trials. Available instantly

Traditional trial for your app

To get to try an app users go through a real quest:

  1. Get to the "Downloads" page
  2. Find the install package for their platform
  3. Download the installer, if platform is supported
  4. Install the trial, if they don't forget
  5. Finally, experience the app

Online trial for your app

Sign up today to get first 500 trial launches for your app for free!
Setup online trial now!

Familiar applications. Unconventional capabilities

Save time for porting and make your applications available across widest range of new platforms in the cloud. From Chromebooks to tablets and to even smartphones.

Available now!

No entry barriers for applications, which require complex configuration or powerful hardware. With rollApp your application is ready to launch with just one simple click.

Available now!

Everyone gets to use your application in maximum configuration, because cloud can provide as much resources as the app can take. Rendering a complex 3D scene can be easily done even on a Chromebook.

Available now!

Unlock new pricing models for box software. With the cloud you can set to both generate recurring revenue to support further development and decrease onboarding costs for users.

Coming soon.

App can come in multiple different configurations app carefully tailored for specfic tasks with settings, plugins, samples, etc. For example, you can host beta versions of your apps in the cloud to get even more users to help you squash the bugs.

Coming soon.

Start moving your app to the cloud today!

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